The Dark Souls RPG from Steamforged Games, released in 2022. It’s based on the 5e SRD, but it has several unique mechanisms that separate it from vanilla 5e. The mechanism I’m particularly enamored with is called “Position”.
Position replaces hit points in the Dark Souls system. You get position points (PP) equal to (CON modifier + max position die + your current level). This base PP value is the damage you can take *outside initiative*. Traps, falling damage, etc. would all come off your base PP. If base PP reaches 0, you’re dead.
PP gets a little more interesting once we learn that that it temporarily increases every time initiative is rolled. (PP die x level) Now you have a large pool of temporary PP that you lose before you lose base PP. You only have temp PP once you act in initiative; in a situation where surprise is involved that surprise round of attack damage goes straight against your base position, making constant awareness of your enviroment important. Also, when you gain a level, you don’t roll any dice for additional PP, you simply get whatever your CON modifier is. Base position points rise very slowly (if at all).
But here’s why I really like position: You can spend it as a resource to do stuff! The basic examples from the rulebook:
- Increase the result of your die roll on a 1-to-1 basis. Need a 14 to hit but only rolled a 12? Spend 2 PP and now you’ve hit!
- Spend a minimum of 5 PP to increase your damage by the same amount. There’s no limit on how much above 5 you can spend.
- Gain +5 feet of movement per PP spent. Just out of attack range? Not anymore!
- Players can propose other uses with DM approval.
Many spells and special abilities allow you spend PP to augment them as well.
Now the player gets to do a strategic risk/reward calculation on every turn, going as far as to sacrifice themselves to do an epic move to save the rest of the party. I really want to try this in a session to see what my players do with it!